Healthy Body & Healthy Mind – Toronto Nutritionist

I’m lookin’ for a blog so that if you kiss this frog, I’ll be happier than a dog. Looking for some boost in the mind and soul to roost, keeping my thoughts nice and juiced!! Learning from afar from the kind soul that you are, making me feel like a star!

Finally my first blog…. I have wanted to write this for a very long time. My client sent me the above email and so here we go!

In my 53 years on this planet, I have learned so much. I am going to share with you timeless secrets which have brought me unbelievable happiness, joy, love , friendships and opportunities of the greatest kind.

Even before health foods were popular in the 70′s I had a stash of them! Growing up with 8 brothers and sisters I had to hide my granola and wheat germ… Once I made my own shampoo in a Real Lemon bottle and stored it in the fridge. Well two  days later as my mother marinated the fish she almost killed me…I knew I was on a life long journey into health when I received a hanging Bird bell for Christmas the one made out of suet. That was my Christmas present from my brother Dan…

I struggled with my self esteem as a little girl but I always knew in my heart that I had a special purpose in this life and that I mattered. My first full time job after graduating from University was to run a health food store for Dominion Stores called Natures Cupboard. It was a huge success.

Five years later Dominion pretty much closed their doors. I had been given an opportunity to learn all about vitamins, herbs and the foods that can heal the body. It  was there that I met my friend Todd who is one of my closest friends and he inspires everyday to take the next step. After raising three boys I felt a strong need to fulfill my life’s purpose, but what? I was forty one years old and wondered what was I going to do for the rest of my life. I seriously didn’t even know how to operate a computer. Thanks Todd for teaching me. I get better at it every day.

I always saw myself in a role of a true health practitioner, one who could guide and be apart of one’s healing journey. I saw my office in my mind and visualized how it would be. But where and how  was the million dollar question. My dear friend Pam used to ask  me , Jane what do you love to do more than anything else in the world  that you would be willing to do for free?…that is what you should be doing!

So I began the search….stay tuned to my next update where ended up being surrounded by swat police officers as I was embarking on my next step…


Waking Dreams & Messages From The Universe – Jane Durst-Pulkys